vaginal rejuvenation
Professional Vaginal Rejuvenation in Scottsdale
Vaginal rejuvenation is for women who want to improve both their vagina aesthetically and functionally. Reinvigorate your sex life and enhance the appearance of your vagina with non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures available at ReGen Pain and Wellness.
Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment
Do not forget that your vagina is affected by aging as well as the rest of your body. Whether you are in your 20’s or 60’s , aging affects everyone. Your body is continuously undergoing physical change. Skin becoming looser, saggier, as well as fine lines and wrinkles appearing are all caused by aging. The skin in the vaginal region is no different.
In addition to aging, things such as sexual activity, pregnancy, and childbirth can contribute to the stretching (and possible tearing) of the vaginal canal (the inside of the vagina) and vulva (the outer vaginal region).
Fortunately, with the advancement of technology there is a solution to these aging effects.

How Does it Work?
Radiofrequency energy can be used to tighten the inner and outer vaginal area. RF energy creates heat deep within tissues to stimulate collagen production to firm sagging skin and muscles within the vaginal canal.
What Can It Help?
RF is a comprehensive solution for several feminine health concerns that often occur following childbirth, aging, or cancer treatments. In addition to tightening the labia and other external tissues, RF improves a range of conditions associated with vaginal atrophy, including:
- Mild Urinary Incontinence
- Internal and external laxity
- Vaginal Dryness
- Reduced blood flow
- Reduced sensitivity during sex
- Textural irregularities of the vulva and labia
- Pain during intercourse
How Much Does It Cost?
The cost for a vaginal rejuvenation varies. Women’s Health reports that a combination vaginoplasty and labiaplasty can reach $12,000, but don’t worry – noninvasive treatments often ring up far less. RF can cost anywhere from $800 – $2,500. Call today to schedule your custom care plan that fits your needs and budget!
Intima Vaginal Rejuvenation Details
If you have any of the following it is important they were included in your medical history review prior to your Intima vaginal treatment:
Abnormal cell cytology.
Evidence of dysplasia and occult or active infection.
Injury or bleeding in external vaginal area or undiagnosed vaginal bleeding.
Active malignancy or history of malignancy in the past five years.
Active electrical implant anywhere in the body, such as a pacemaker or an internal defibrillator.
Implants or mesh in the treatment area.
Suffering from significant concurrent illness, such as cardiac disorders, diabetes (type I or II), lupus, porphyria or pertinent neurological disorders (i.e., any disease state that in the opinion of the physician would interfere with the treatment or healing process).
Having a known anti-coagulative or thromboembolic condition or taking anticoagulation medications one week prior to and during the treatment course (to allow inclusion, temporary cessation of use as per the patient physician’s discretion).
History of immunosuppression/immune deficiency disorders (including HIV infection or AIDS) or currently using immunosuppressive medications.
Suffering from hormonal imbalance, whether related to thyroid, pituitary, or androgen.
History of significant lymphatic drainage problems.
History of cancer which required lymph node biopsy or dissection.
Suffering from significant conditions in the treated areas or inflammatory conditions, including but not limited to open lacerations or abrasions of the treatment area prior to treatment or during the treatment course.
History of keloid scarring, abnormal wound healing and/or prone to bruising.
History of epidermal or dermal disorders (particularly if involving collagen or microvascularity), including collagen vascular disease or vasculitic disorders.
Use of isotretinoin (Accutane®) within six months of treatment or during treatment.
On systemic corticosteroid therapy six months prior to and throughout the course of treatment.
Dysplastic nevi in the area to be treated.
Surgery or any other procedure for Vaginal Tightening in the last 12 months.
Uterine prolapse, cystocele or rectocele.
Urinary tract infection.
Pelvic infection.
Active malignancy or cancer treatment within the last five years.
Melanoma history.
Excessively tanned skin in the treatment area from sun, sun beds or tanning creams.
It is prudent to follow some simple guidelines before your treatment. These guidelines can reduce possible side effects associated with the procedure and make all the difference between a fair result and a great result.
Hydrate– We recommend that for seven days pre-treatment you moisturize skin in the morning and evening, drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to completely hydrate your skin and optimize treatment results.
Vaginal health screening– Have an up-to-date, normal PAP smear done within one year prior to treatment.
Menstruation– No active menstruation at time of treatment.
Shaved– Please have pubic hair fully shaved.
Over the Counter Medications- Avoid aspirin, Motrin and Ibuprofen for one week prior to your treatment. Inform your provider if you are taking blood thinners or regularly take aspirin or Ibuprofen.
Sun exposure– No tanning bed or self-tanners for four weeks prior to treatment.
Prescription Medications– We will provide you with an antiviral prescription to fill and take before your appointment to decrease the risk of a herpetic outbreak. Take your first tablet 24 hours before your treatment and follow instructions on the bottle. Take other medications that may be prescribed for anxiety or pain management as instructed on the bottle. Stop taking prescription medications that may increase the risk of bruising as instructed and in coordination with your physician.
Over the Counter Medications– Avoid aspirin, Motrin and Ibuprofen for one week prior to your treatment. Inform your provider if you are taking blood thinners or regularly take aspirin or Ibuprofen.
Supplements- Avoid fish oil, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other supplements one week before treatment.
Alcohol- Avoid alcohol for two days prior to treatment.
Accutane– Inform your provider if you have taken Accutane (oral acne medication) in the past year.
Ice Packs– Store ice packs in your freezer for use after you get home from procedure.
Secure a ride for after treatment- You must secure a ride home if you choose to take pain and/or anxiety medication.
Treatment Area– Please arrive with clean skin. No lotion, powder oils or other products on treatment area.
Take prescription medications– Take prescribed medications as directed.
Transportation arrangements – Some medications may restrict your ability to drive home after your procedure. Please coordinate transportation home after your procedure if you chose to take such medications.
You may experience temporary erythema (redness) and edema (swelling), mild bleeding, tissue retraction, as well as heat and tightening sensations for up to a few hours after the treatment.
Treatment Area– Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser twice a day and pat dry (do not scrub).
You may notice light spotting, mild burning, itching, swelling or mild cramping for a few days. Do not have intercourse for 1 week. Do not insert tampons or anything else into the vagina for 1 week. Do not use a douche, cleanser, suppositories, or any other products in the vagina for 1 week.
No Jacuzzis, tub baths, or swimming for 1 week.
No tanning beds or self-tanning cream for 1 week.
No heavy exercise for 1 week.
At-Home Care– Apply hydrocortisone cream as needed for itching. Apply antibiotic ointment as needed for any sores or irritated areas. You may apply an ice pack as needed for discomfort (no more than 10 minutes per hour with cotton barrier).
Hydration and comfort-Keep yourself well hydrated. You may take Tylenol for discomfort.
Post Treatment Kit (use as needed)
Hydrocortisone cream
Antibiotic ointment
Panty liners
Report any pain, fever or unusual discharge immediately.
We recommend re-treatment every 4 weeks, with a total of 3 treatments in a row. After a series has been completed, treat 1-2 times per year or as needed.
Having no treatment is an alternative to Intima vaginal treatment. Procedures based upon other devices are also alternatives. There may be surgical options for your concerns. Pelvic floor exercises may be an alternative option.
The O Shot is a potentially synergistic treatment for the Intima vaginal treatment.
I have read and understand the Informed Consent documentation. I agree to follow the pre and post care instructions carefully. I understand that compliance with recommended pre and post procedure guidelines are crucial for healing, prevention of scarring, and other side effects and complications.