ReGen Pain & Wellness Clinic Scottsdale

Chronic Pain Solutions

Chronic Pain Management & Treatment

Studies show that 11% of adults suffer from daily pain and an additional 10% struggle with severe pain. The great challenge of all types of chronic pain is that the pain seldom improves with conventional medical care. Keith Smigiel, FNP-C, DC, FIAMA, at ReGen Pain & Wellness offers cutting-edge pain treatments that effectively reduce inflammation, promote healing, and relieve the pain. To schedule an appointment, use the online booking feature or call the office in Scottsdale, Arizona.

What should I know about chronic pain?

Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts longer than six months or well after the original injury heals. Since long-term pain doesn’t respond well to conventional medical treatment, many patients resort to opioids, which are highly addictive and require ever-increasing doses to provide a moderate level of pain relief.

Another challenge of chronic pain is that it gradually affects your central nervous system and changes the way you perceive sensations. As a result, you begin to feel severe pain from sensations that aren’t normally painful, like the touch of clothing.

How will I benefit from chronic pain management?

If you struggle with chronic pain, you already know how it affects your life. You understand the difficulty of finding a treatment that stops your pain long enough to get a good night’s sleep or to enjoy an evening with friends and family. You may increasingly miss days from work, or you may already be on disability leave.

The goal of pain management is to help you find significant relief so that you can function normally again, a process that requires ongoing management, not a one-time treatment. Dr. Smigiel provides non-opioid pain management using a multimodal treatment that incorporates different types of therapies.

How is chronic pain managed?

Your treatment plan depends on the source and severity of your chronic pain. Dr. Smigiel works with you, choosing from among his many treatment specialties to create a plan that works for your condition and lifestyle.

Your treatment may include one or more of these options:

  • Regenerative medicine
  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical therapy
  • Neural prolotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • IV therapy
  • Functional neuro-orthopedic rehabilitation (FNOR)

Dr. Smigiel also offers a concierge service, which is especially beneficial for chronic pain management. When you join a concierge program, you pay a set fee in return for specific services. Examples of services provided for your fee include more frequent office visits, longer one-on-one time with the doctor, and direct access to the doctor through texts, phone, and email.

Although the goal of pain management is to reach a state where your pain is consistently controlled, chronic pain is unpredictable and can flare-up at unexpected times.

If you struggle with chronic pain, schedule an appointment at ReGen Pain & Wellness to learn how their innovative therapies can help you find relief and get back to enjoying life.

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